Joel: "I haven't lost a game I've started. I'm awesome."
Matt: "Gentleman Croke, Joel."
Jeff: "Gentleman Croke."

Friday, July 4, 2008

Matt's Wingstock Pictures

Click here and here for two online photo albums containing Matt's (and when I say "Matt's" I mean they were on his camera, not necessarily that he was the photographer for each of these works of art) pictures from Wingstock.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jeff's Wingstock Pictures

Hello everyone,

Click here to view my pictures from Wingstock. Enjoy!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Cheers to the hosts!

Please join me in extending a sincere thanks to our Ottawa hosts for Wingstock 2008, Dave and Matt. I must admit that Dave really outdid himself. In addition to not getting overly stressed about the fumes that were being unleashed on the interior of his beautiful home, he really went above and beyond. The attached photo is a perfect example. To be so concerned about our comfort, to take the time and make the effort to trim the grass around the edges of your yard, Dave...truly outstanding! I mean, you made sure that the smallest strands of grass at the sides of the deck were cut short, even if the main parts of the yard were not. This sort of prioritization and timing is what made Wingstock so amazing! (More pictures to come...please email or upload yours!! Send them to me and I'll put them on the website!)
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Top 10 List

Wooohooo! Less than 34 hours to go until departure for Wingstock at the time of my typing this. Are you excited? I am. Can you tell? If you’re still visiting the Wingstock website (good for you), you deserve a reward. Here is a customized Wingstock top 10 list of attractions in Ottawa:

1. Parliament Hill – stroll the corridors of power and try to find Matt or Dave’s boss’s boss’s boss. Put in a good word. I highly recommend telling him about Dave’s amazing “monopod” skill. You know the one. It’s when he puts his left foot on his right knee and his elbow on his left knee and his chin in his hand…and sleeps standing up!!!

2. By Ward Market – Canada’s oldest, continuously operating farmers’ market is a charming area with shops and restaurants of all kinds. Charming, old, and continuously “operating”…sound like anyone you know? Info: Tel: (613) 562-3325 or (519) 756-7711.

3. Canadian Museum of Civilization – trace Canadian history from the Vikings to the present day. Visit the special “de-evolutionary” exhibit, a mobile crew of 9 men traveling Ottawa from June 19 – 22nd. If you find them, look for the one with the curly hair. It’s nice hair. Info: Tel: (819) 776-7000.

4. Rideau Canal – a haven for boaters in the summer, the canal is transformed into the world’s longest skating rink in winter. On June 19th it will be coloured green…not for a delayed summer St. Patty’s Day, but because green is the colour of Wingstock! Info: Tel: (613) 239-5000.

5. Sparks Street Mall – Canada’s oldest pedestrian mall is perfect for shopping, strolling or taking a break in a cafĂ©. Hey Scotch! If you like Scotch, you can get it in here. We’re pretty sure anyway. Info: Tel: (613) 230-0984.

6. National Gallery of Canada – home to the world’s largest collection of Canadian art as well as excellent European and American collections. Definitely the first stop for Wingstock. Unfortunately for Winger, the Pamela Anderson display was closed last year. Complain by calling: Tel: (613) 990-1985.

7. Casino Du Lac-Leamy – Try your luck at the region’s most glamorous entertainment spot. Yeah right. “Most glamorous.” The most glamorous entertainment spot will be wherever you find Joel this weekend. He’s not called “Yoshi the Glaminator” for nothing! (That’s what it was, right?) Info: Tel: (819) 772-2100.

8. Rideau Centre – 200 fine shops and restaurants right in the downtown core. While we’re talking about “cores,” nothing compares to the Bear’s core. It’s a serious slab of funk. Info: Tel: (613) 236-6565

9. Canadian War Museum – See stories of heroes and of the human cost of war, both at home and on the battlefield. Well, I’m not about to joke about war. But I will say that I’m pretty sure a certain gentleman, once “Gremlanized,” could sleep through the worst of them. Info: Tel: (819) 776-8600.

10. Notre-Dame Basilica – Discover Ottawa’s oldest surviving church with over 200 statues surrounding the main altar. Go and pray. For whatever you want. That’s the thing about praying, it’s up to you really. So…machines? A QB for your Dolphins? The soft hands award? Non-stinking booties? A bear-repellant cancel-out-er? Diagonal highways? Cheese? Bread? Peanut butter? A microphone? Go for it! Info: Tel: (613) 239-5000.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to the Wing-man!!

It's the reason for the season, as they say! Happy birthday to Wingstock's namesake, the Spider Monkey, the Diagonal Short-Cutter, the Cops Doer-In-Fronter, the 8 Days of Hockey-a-Weeker, the McConaughey Doppleganger, the Buck Tooth Bandit, the Weasel-Endowed, the Australian Chip-Toother, the "You've Got Great Hair-er," the Magical Charmer, the Lover-Not-Fighter, the Ottawa-Headed...Chad Winger!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Well gentlemen, Wingstock is pretty much upon us. It has been a pleasure keeping you up-to-date (somewhat) and entertained (maybe less-so) here on the Wingstock website. Here is a final video montage to kick off Wingstock!!! Enjoy.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Exciting video footage of "the kick"!!

Hello everyone,

This is a great development and just in time for Wingstock! The OFSAA website has recently enhanced their "history" page to include video footage of old championships. And, wouldn't you know it - they have footage from a Barrie television station of Joel's controversial place kick during the OFSAA Senior Rugby Championship game during the 1995 season. This is so exciting. Follow the link below for the footage and check out the great athletic move at the 2:08 mark...Joel looks great at that part!

Click Here


Sunday, May 25, 2008

A message from Scott Skinner!

Come on Chaddy lets go party...I thought I would just clear up any misconceptions that my van is some sort of A Team Kick Ass van. Although if we look at the crew travelling down the 401 it is possible how people could confuse us... Bear is probably the best representation of "BA" not because he is as big and tough but from my understanding it is his fault we are all not travelling with Greg. From what I have seen Jeff is the closest to to the prepared and sometimes witty "Hannibal" but the best comparison is our birthday boy, Winger as the wild and crazy "Howling Mad Murdock". With that said I hope people do not get the wrong idea of us as we cruse to OTTAWA... here is my van:

Play Stunt Dirt Bike - For Bear!!